The Benefits of Bluetooth

The Benefits of Bluetooth

When you are ready to buy a new pair of hearing aids, the options can be overwhelming. With so many different features available, how do you decide which ones are a must and which ones can wait? You might need to prioritize some fe/tures for their functionality, such as sound quality, speech recognition, and background noise reduction. Other features might …

Types of Hearing Aids

Types of Hearing Aids

If you are ready to choose a pair of hearing aids, the options can be daunting. Looking through different styles and models can make you wonder about the benefits and detriments of each different type. If you are overwhelmed with the options, the good news is that you don’t need to decide alone! Our hearing health professionals are here to …

Hearing Aids and Summer Activities

Hearing Aids and Summer Activities

With summer almost upon us, the time is now to think about what special activities are coming your way. Whether you are an outdoorsy type who loves to get active in the wilderness or more likely to enjoy a picnic in a park, the summer months bring lots of opportunity to enjoy family and friends with special activities. When you …

Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids

Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids

When you first receive your new hearing aids, we will help you understand how they work and how to fit them into your ears for the most effective assistance. We will also give you some instructions on care and maintenance, as well as how to change your batteries or recharge your devices, depending on the model. With this information in …

Hearing Aids and Strong Relationships

Hearing Aids and Strong Relationships

If you are on the path to getting new hearing aids, congratulations! These devices will improve your life in many ways, not the least in your enjoyment of the sounds you have been missing for so long. Of course, hearing aids make it possible to hear what others have to say in conversations, which many consider to be the most …

Nutrients That Can Support Your Hearing Health

Nutrients That Can Support Your Hearing Health

Though many people probably do not think about it much, your hearing health is as fundamental to your overall health and quality of life as diet, exercise, and proper rest. Your hearing health affects not only your physical safety immediately by situating you in your environment and regulating your sense of balance, it also impacts your emotional, psychological, and cognitive …

Treating Hearing Loss Can Support Your Physical Ability & Well-Being

Treating Hearing Loss Can Support Your Physical Ability & Well-Being

“What was that?”  If this seems to be your tagline the last time you socialized then it may be time to have your hearing tested. All too often, people put off suspected hearing loss- on average, seven to ten years, in fact without understanding the risk. Hearing loss has not only been linked to increased issues in communication but surprisingly …

Why your primary care provider might not be able to detect your hearing loss

Why Your Primary Care Provider Might Not be Able to Detect Your Hearing loss

World Hearing Day 2023 is just around the corner, and this year’s theme is “Ear and hearing care for all.” World Hearing Day 2023 will emphasize the crucial role of integrating ear and hearing care within primary care as a critical aspect of universal health coverage. The key messages of World Hearing Day 2023 include the prevalence of ear and …

Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids FAQ

Did you know that close to 2.5 billion people are predicted to have some kind of hearing disorder by 2050? Or that hearing disorders are among the most common sensory processing disorders, affecting more than 1 in 10 Americans. Though people of all ages can have hearing loss disorders, those between 60 and 70 years old are more likely to …

Watching for Early Signs of Hearing Loss

Watching for Early Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can sneak up on you slowly and before you know it, you may be struggling to follow conversations or with hearing the TV. Impacting nearly 1 in 5 people, hearing loss is likely much more common than you may think. Over 48 million people live with some degree of impaired but but only a third of people who …