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When Should I Update My Hearing Aids?

Proper upkeep with your hearing health requires vigilant attentiveness. But of course none of us want our hearing health to take up too much of our attention. In theory, when your treatment plan is progressing smoothly, it should not occur to you any more frequently than any other aspect of your life that requires simple upkeep.

We have all witnessed situations in which others mess up an otherwise simple situation either by overthinking it or by not giving it the thought that it deserves. And everyone requires some time to adapt to their hearing aids. They are new for everyone.

So here are a few simple guidelines to help you gauge when it is time to update your hearing aids.

Are Your Hearing Aids Performing As You Expect Them To?

All hearing aids need regular maintenance and also the occasional technical repair. Being worn on our bodies, hearing aids are exposed to just as much rain or dust or as our unique lifestyle demands of each of us. And all hearing aids sit at least partially inside the ear canal, exposing them to moisture and wax buildup. It is not surprising at all that your hearing aids will require regular maintenance.

All of these factors impact your hearing aid’s performance. Of course this happens gradually, just as your hearing loss probably did. So it will likely be difficult to notice that a microphone or speaker has clogged with moisture or debris. This is why regular checkups with your audiologist are so important.

Think of it like this: if you are looking through a window that gets incrementally more dusty each day, it is difficult to even notice the difference between one day and the next. But if you make regular appointments to wipe that dust clean, the clarity will return to you each time on schedule.

But if you are aware of any specific malfunction in your hearing aids performance, do not wait until your regularly scheduled appointment. It is time to take them in for maintenance.

Are Your Hearing Aids Performing As You Need Them To?

Take a moment to really consider why exactly you need hearing aids. Make a list of specific situations in which you need them to work.

Is there room for improvement in those specific situations? If so, it could be time to make an appointment.

Are Your Hearing Aids Living Up to Your Prescription?

Each of us has a hearing prescription, determined by our hearing health provider. This prescription measures the exact contours of our singular experience with hearing loss. Everyone loses different volume levels at different frequencies and the proper balancing of all these is what makes up your prescription.

To confirm that your hearing aids are functioning as your prescription needs them to, your hearing health professional will give you a real-ear measurement. This is basically a hearing exam while you are wearing your hearing aids. If there are any measurable discrepancies here, it is time for reprogramming and adjustment. This is normal and should happen regularly.

Are Your Hearing Aids The Latest Technology and Do You Care?

What if your hearing aids are performing as you expect them to and as you need them to and meeting the objective needs of your prescription, but they are not the latest technological advancement?

Your needs are being met, but is there something specific that you imagine could be even better? If that improvement that you can imagine also happens to be met by the latest technology, it may be time to consult your specialist and consider an update.

Does This Update to Your Hearing Aid Make Sense Financially?

Assuming that your healthcare is financed either by the government or a private insurance company, there will be limitations on how frequently you can see your hearing health specialist and how much you can invest in your hearing aid updates. This differs by state. For example, Medicaid regulations in Florida allow you one hearing aid per ear every three years and Idaho mandates one pair of hearing aids in a lifetime.

If you are paying for your hearing aids out of pocket, you are of course free to update whenever you desire. Assuming you are subject to more common financial restrictions, weigh the first four questions here against the reality of your finances to figure out when exactly is the right time for you to update your hearing aids. Contact us today!