How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

A major effect of hearing loss that tends to be underrecognized is its impact on mental health and wellness. Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of hearing loss (over 48 million people), making hearing loss the third most pervasive medical condition people experience today. Though it is common, only one third of people who could benefit from treatment actually receive it. Extensive research shows that untreated hearing loss can contribute to the development of depressive symptoms. Fortuenalty, there are effective treatment options which not only enhance hearing health but also improve mental health. 

Link Between Hearing Loss & Declining Mental Health

Extensive research shows a link between hearing loss and declining mental health. Two important studies that highlight the effect of hearing loss on mental health include: 

  • Study Published by Clear Living. This study specifically looked at the mental health and social impact of hearing loss. Researchers surveyed 3,767 people on how hearing loss impacted their lives. Key findings include: 
  • While 11% of people were concerned with the medical impact of hearing loss, 89% cited social and personal effects as their primary concern. 
  • 58% of participants stated that their relationships suffered. 
  • 40% said their communication worsened or conversations became harder to follow.
  • 30% experienced difficulties watching TV and 35% struggled with navigating public spaces with friends.

These findings show that hearing loss can impact everyday activities including spending time with others which contributes to the toll on mental health and wellness.  

  • Study Published in JAMA Otolaryngology. Researchers collected and analyzed data on depressive symptoms and hearing loss. This study included 18,318 participants and key findings include that the prevalence of moderate to severe depression was 
  • 4.9% for individuals reporting excellent hearing
  • 11.4% for people who reported a little to greater hearing loss 

These findings highlight that people with hearing loss were more than twice as likely to 

experience depressive symptoms. 

Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Health

Hearing loss affects mental health in significant ways. Impaired hearing reduces a person’s capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. This produces a range of symptoms that strain communication. Symptoms like tinnitus (a buzzing or ringing noise in the ears), sounds being slurred or muffled, and having difficulty distinguishing individual words and following conversations. These symptoms make it challenging to participate in conversations which require greater energy. 

Strained communication often leads to avoiding conversations as much as possible. This includes skipping out on social gatherings, avoiding spending time with loved ones, and participating less in favorite activities. Social withdrawal is a common effect of untreated hearing loss. Increased isolation contributes to depressive symptoms like loneliness, anxiety, sadness etc. These symptoms combined with spending less time with others and out in the world takes a toll on mental health. 

How Treatment Supports Mental Health

There are numerous resources, services, and treatment options that transform hearing health. Treatment offers countless benefits that can boost mental health in several ways including: 

  • Strengthening communication: the most common way hearing loss is treated is with hearing aids. These are electronic devices that are designed to absorb, amplify, and process sound. This alleviates symptoms and maximizes hearing capacity, allowing people to navigate communication with much more ease. With the support of hearing aids, people are better able to hear and readily respond during conversations. This allows people to be more present and engaged, supporting effective communication. 
  • Improving relationships: strengthened communication also improves relationships tremendously. People can spend quality time with loved ones without the discomfort and barriers of hearing loss. Being able to share in jokes, enjoy daily activities like watching a show or movie, and having unlimited conversations nurtures connection which improves relationships. 
  • Enriching social life: hearing aids provide ample hearing support in all environments. This is especially useful in social settings which tend to be nosier. With hearing aids, people have greater capacity to navigate social interactions, conversations, adn activities. Hearing aids enrich social life and support people being as active and engaged as they want to be. 

These benefits can profoundly improve mental health and wellness. Treatment can enhance quality of life and help you live more fully. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of hearing loss treatment and to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation!