How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health A major effect of hearing loss that tends to be underrecognized is its impact on mental health and wellness. Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of hearing loss (over 48 million people), making hearing loss the third most pervasive medical condition people experience today. Though it is common, only one …

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss impacts over 48 million people, making it the third most common health condition people live with today. Even though hearing loss is pervasive, there still remains lots of misconceptions about it which often contributes to a delay in seeking treatment. In fact, only one third of people who could benefit from treatment actually receive it. We’ve compiled responses …

Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noise

Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noise

An early sign of hearing loss is experiencing difficulties hearing speech in environments with background noise. This makes it tough to follow conversations and engage with others in restaurants, work environments, parties and other settings that tend to be noisier. Hearing aids which are the most common treatment for hearing loss, provide significant support with absorbing and processing sound. But …

Protect Your Ears at Your Favorite Sporting Events

Protect Your Ears at Your Favorite Sporting Events

For many, there is nothing more exciting than attending your favorite sporting events. From going to a game in a stadium or arena to having watch parties in fun social settings, these events involve active environments.  Noise levels produced at sporting events can be challenging for hearing health. The noise in larger venues for sporting events often exceeds what is …

How to Assist Students Who are Hard of Hearing

How to Assist Students Who are Hard of Hearing

Hearing loss can contribute to learning challenges in the classroom. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 15% of school-age children and teens (ages 6-19) have some degree of hearing loss. Studies show that children with hearing loss are more likely to experience learning difficulties including reading comprehension. A reduced capacity to hear and process speech …

HEARtoday Blog 2

Can Hearing Aids Be “Stylish”?

Today’s hearing aids are likely not what you imagine. When you picture a hearing aid, do you think of a bulky device that is worn behind the ear and is highly visible? This is one of the most common misconceptions about hearing aids – people often think they are unappealing devices made for older adults to wear. But similar to …

Improving Communication with Your Family

Improving Communication with Your Family

Hearing loss can take a toll on communication with loved ones. From asking others to repeat something they’ve said to not being able to fully follow conversations at family gatherings, navigating communication with ipmaired hearing can be challenging. But there are several ways you can improve communication with your family, supporting your hearing needs while also being able to navigate …

Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing

Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing

Earbuds have become a staple item that many use daily. Whether it’s to listen to music, podcasts, or talk on the phone; earbuds are a common way people engage in these activities. But earbud use is also a primary way that people are exposed to dangerous levels of noise that can cause hearing loss. In fact, according to the World …

Hearing Loss & Fatigue

Hearing Loss & Fatigue

You have likely experienced listening fatigue before. If you’ve ever felt especially tired after a work meeting, conversations on Zoom, or even listening to music or a podcast – this is listening fatigue. Listening fatigue refers to experiencing tiredness after listening to speech or sounds for an extended amount of time. This can cause the brain to communicate fatigue and …

Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing

Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing

We are constantly absorbing varying levels of noise throughout the day. From waking up to an alarm clock, using household appliances, to listening to music and watching TV – noise is part of daily life. But did you know that loud noise exposure is a common cause of hearing loss? Taking the time to take inventory of the everyday activities …