
The Causes of Acquired Hearing Loss 

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common medical condition people experience today? Impacting nearly 1 in 6 people, over 48 million people live with hearing loss. Most hearing loss that people experience is acquired, meaning that it developed after birth. Understanding what causes hearing loss can better help you reduce your risk and protect your hearing …

How Treating Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Alzheimer's

How Treating Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a medical condition that takes a toll on cognitive functions. It is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60%-70% of the dementia people experience today. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 6.2 million people in the U.S. live with Alzheimer’s. This number is expected to significantly increase, reaching  12.7 million by 2050. Because Alzheimer’s is …

Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss 

Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss 

Acknowledging changes to your hearing health can be challenging. There are numerous misconceptions about hearing loss that contribute to the stigma still associated with the condition. This often makes it difficult to readily recognize and take action towards addressing hearing loss symptoms. Illuminating this is how long it takes for people to seek treatment – it takes an average of …


Tips for Managing Tinnitus

Most people have experienced tinnitus, especially after leaving a concert or loud social setting. Tinnitus is commonly known as “ringing in the ears” and refers to hearing a ringing or buzzing like noise in one or both ears. This noise is heard even though there is no external noise present in the environment. A phantom like sound, tinnitus is beyond …


Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline

Research shows that adults with even milder hearing loss have a higher risk of experiencing cognitive decline. Numerous studies show a significant link between hearing loss and cognitive decline which contributes to conditions like dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses several medical conditions that deteriorate cognitive functions – Alzheimer’s is the most common. Dementia is incurable so identifying …


Communicating with Your Loved Ones who Have Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can make it challenging to have conversations. This chronic condition reduces capacity to hear and process sound. Fortunately, hearing aids, the most common treatment for hearing loss, provides ample support that allows people to hear with greater ease. In addition to treating hearing loss and wearing hearing aids, there are ways to support your loved ones hearing needs. …

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Tips for Communicating if You Have Hearing Loss

If you have hearing loss, communicating can sometimes be a challenge. You spend a lot of energy straining to hear but it’s not always enough to help you hear what’s being said. If you’ve been having a hard time hearing, here are a few simple tips you can try to make communication easier.    Ask for Help When you’re having …


How Untreated Hearing Loss Interferes with Your Relationships

Do you have hearing loss? If you’ve been having a hard time hearing, you’ve noticed that communication is more challenging. You have difficulty following conversations and you often ask people to repeat themselves. But you’re not the only one who feels the effects of hearing loss. The truth is that your family and friends also have a hard time communicating …

HEARtoday - Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected

Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected

Hearing connects us with family and friends. It makes it easy to have conversations with loved ones and enjoy spending time with friends. Hearing helps you process sounds, understand every word, and respond quickly in conversations.    But what happens when you have hearing loss? Living with untreated hearing loss can be an isolating experience. Social interactions become a lot …

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!

January is almost here, and this means a whole new year. We often use this calendar event as an excuse to start something new for our health. Many of us commit to a dietary cleanse or invest in a health monitor to challenge how many steps we take in the new year. One aspect of health which often gets overlooked …