Young african american woman wearing casual clothes smiling with

Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!

The New Year

The holidays have always been both a time for celebration and reflection. The days are as short as they will be all year and the wind and cold make it tough to be outside. But it is exactly at this time when the environment seems to be encouraging us to isolate that we come together with our loved ones. So many days within this season get charged with extra pressure and extra meaning, like days set aside and different from all the others, because so many of us make intentional plans and preparations and likely even travel.

These special days set aside from all the other days are a justification to relax and perhaps indulge a little. But at the same time, the days all build to a crescendo at new year, and we cannot help but extend this intentionality and preparation that we have invested into all our holiday plans into the new year.

The new year is a time to take stock and recalibrate. The fact that so many people make health goals a central part of their recognition of the new year only goes to prove the degree to which we all recognize how central our health is to our overall contentment.

Hearing Is One of Many Keys to Your Overall Health 

When you think about your health in general, of course, it can seem overwhelming to take control of it. First of all, none of us is ever completely in control of anything. Oftentimes the harder we attempt to cling to control, the more apparent it becomes just how impossible complete control actually is. And very often it is our health that clearly teaches us this lesson. Your body is such a miraculously complex machine, there are innumerable things that can go wrong at any time. It is quite literally impossible to keep track of every detail.

But we can leverage our advantage for overall health by taking control of specific details. Of course diet and exercise are fundamentals to any healthy lifestyle. This is commonly known and diet and exercise both receive the attention they deserve as cores to health. Whether you choose to abide by the guidelines or not, they are no mystery. Everyone knows the cumulative difference that healthy diet and exercise habits make in terms of your energy and strength.

But why stop there when leveraging your advantage? What about hearing?

What’s that? Hearing you say?

Yes. It may be an unfamiliar and uncommon perspective, but there are so many essential cores to maintaining your overall health and each of them deserves your attention. Consider how your hearing health impacts your overall health.

In any public space, however crowded, there are factors beyond your control. Your physical safety at every moment depends on your awareness of your environment. This does not need to mean just malicious intent. It obviously applies just as much to children playing ball down the street. A stray ball could be coming at you and the difference in your safety depends on whether or not you hear the children shout a warning to you.

But even at home, the most controlled environment that you are ever likely to be in, hearing loss is a threat to your physical safety. And this does not mean just hearing alarms and warnings, similar to the children playing ball situation. That is obviously important too, but your balance depends on your hearing. In fact, studies show that the likelihood of an accidental fall increases 140% for every dB of hearing loss that someone suffers.

You Can Not Take Your Hearing Health For Granted 

But we are only just beginning to approach the true argument for how your overall health depends on your hearing. When hearing loss comes on, the vast majority of the time it comes on very gradually. It comes on so gradually in fact, that most people do not notice that it is happening. This is why it is so important to make an appointment today with one of our hearing health experts to get a true and objective sense of exactly how your hearing has changed or not since your last test.

As hearing loss comes on, it forces you to change your habits in ways that you may not even understand why you are doing so. This affects your emotional and psychological health.

This new year, make a point of taking control of your own health. Make an appointment today.