Navigating the Landscape of Tinnitus Through Personal Stories

Navigating the Landscape of Tinnitus Through Personal Stories

Tinnitus, a persistent ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears, can cast a shadow on daily life. The good news is that you have a range of options for managing tinnitus. Let’s explore some personal experiences of individuals living with tinnitus. Harmony Lost and Found Meet Jill, a music enthusiast whose world was once filled with the melodies of …


Tips for Managing Tinnitus

Most people have experienced tinnitus, especially after leaving a concert or loud social setting. Tinnitus is commonly known as “ringing in the ears” and refers to hearing a ringing or buzzing like noise in one or both ears. This noise is heard even though there is no external noise present in the environment. A phantom like sound, tinnitus is beyond …

Doctor wearing safety protective mask supporting and cheering up

COVID-19 and Tinnitus – Are They Related?

If you experience ringing or buzzing in one or both ears, you may have tinnitus. In my other article, I discuss the different causes and treatments for tinnitus. The purpose of this article is to investigate research that links COVID-19 to tinnitus.  Analyzing The Facts  In a systematic review of hearing-related symptoms post-coronavirus published by the International Journal of Audiology, …